Sunday, 28 September 2014

Comic Strip - September 28/14

I thought this comic strip was funny because it draws attention to two things in a clever way.
1 : The members of parliament all know how bad an audit would be so they.
2 : They all agree that an audit would be bad, which is ironic because they never agree on anything.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

The Winter We Danced - Sept 22

After Skimming and reading some entries in The Winter We Danced I can say that I am thrilled to have this unique perspective on the nature of this events covered in this book. These events have a large impact on my identity as a Canadian. I will have more to say when I have read more exerts in the book.

Comic Strip - Sept 22

Funny Comic.
It shows how much attention was not given to the bill C-45. Harper passed it without much of a problem. I find it problematic that the people of Canada
A : werent aware of this bill
B : Did not stand up to stop it (Me as guilty as the next)

Research Quest - Sept 22

Ian Mosby researched the very true events that happened in Canadian History. There is evidence that the government of Canada conducted experiments in the area of Nutrition on Aboriginal Canadians. This raises many questions on the way that we as Canadian treat each other. To this say there is still a lot of racism and inequality. Every so often in the news we hear of the mistreatment of certain groups of people within Canada, Aboriginal Canadians in particular. The Oka incident, Idle no More and the recent visit from the UN Minister has shed light on the magnitude of the problem.

Picture of me!

This is me

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Indian Horse - 1

I think I am going to like reading the book Indian Horse. In the first chapter, it iterates over several of the values and core beliefs I hold. I am looking forward to hearing more about his family's culture and beliefs prior to the involvement of the white men. I really enjoy listening and exploring ideas regarding personification of the environment itself. I am very interested in learning more about the medicines and healing methods they used. This book grabbed my attention from the get-go and I am more than happy to continue reading it.

Assignment 1

So, I thought I would talk about the news today. America is going to war with Iraq, again. Deja Vu anyone? I thought America did that already, it went poorly if I remember correctly. I think it is time that America do something productive with its military and go to war with the international cooperations and bankers...who happen to be financing the war. This looks like its going to turn into another excuse to increase the US military budget to a whopping 756.4 Billion dollars FY(2015).