Sunday, 19 October 2014

Research Quest - October 20th

I have decided to show a video. This video does a better job of explaining what environmental racism is better than anything I have found before. It was very informative.

Political Cartoon - October 20th

The political cartoon seen here (No Picture was able to be provided) is a beautiful depiction of police brutality. The police would love for the media to stay out of their face while they brutalize often time innocent citizens. Quite simply, the media is one of the only factors that is preventing the police force form committing its atrocities.

The world in 2050 - October 20th

After reading the first two chapters in this book. I realize several things the author has done that really has shaped the way the book is going to turn out.
He has a list of things he assumes isn't going to happen. One of which is the 3rd world war which arguably is happening right this very moment.

The author assumes that there are no "spectacular" technological discoveries and nothing world altering happens. This will still prove to be an interesting perspective on what the world MIGHT be like in 2050 however I think most people would agree that the reality we live in is filled with unpredictable events.

I dont think anyone without insider knowledge of 9/11 could have predicted 9/11. I don't think anyone with or without insider knowledge of 9/11 could have predicted how that event would change the way the world operates. Often times the modern reality we live in is referred to as "post 9/11". This is because of the drastic changes that took place after 9/11. Fear became the governing factor in North America.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

The Winter We Danced - October 6th

Pictures - I looked through the art that is in the middle of the book and some of the paintings really spoke to my taste in colour and symbology. I really enjoyed the picture on page 252 with Stephen harper saying "Trick or Treaty". It really illustrates how Stephen Harper is just playing games with the native Canadians. Stephen Harper really does not care about the wishes and opinions of native Canadian, otherwise he wouldn't have passed C-45.
Beautiful art on page 246. I like to imagine that the world looks like this through a special lens. The waves and vibrations of nature are depicted in vibrant colour and the picture felt very calm and tranquil to me, which is the feeling I get when I am among nature.

On Page 277 - This poem was written in a Native Canadian dialect and below it is the english translation. I have read several times in Indian Horse that the white man language is very hoarse and rough where as the Native language is the language of the wind and trees, smooth and flowing like the rivers. I went through the poem and attempted to annunciate the words on the page. I enjoyed this activity and got a sense for what they were saying about the flowing of the language.

Political Cartoon - Oct 6th

The political cartoon displays the disparity between the canadian military and the american military. The cartoon makes the analogy that our technology is in the medieval ages in comparison to the american technology. Plus Stephen Harper looks absolutely ridiculous in this cartoon depiction.

Saturday September 27, 2014

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Research Quest - Oct 6th

On this page, there is a good video showing how native canadians are spending their day. All across the province, many people are getting together and protesting the injustices taking place on their land and in the bay of fundy. It showed people marching in halifax as well as in Indian brook and Im sure many other places in Nova Scotia.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


The world in 2050
No more Happy Cows

Research Quest - Sept 28

I think this is a fantastic resource for activists who centre their attention around the environment. I see that they had a page for the New York G20 rally, The Pacific Climate war, the keystone pipeline and articles on global power shift. I can see myself using this website when I move to a city so that I can participate in events that I believe in.

The Winter we Danced - Sept 28

I am enjoying how many different perspectives are a part of the book. I'm reading a lot of stories directly from people who experienced the events first hand. It astonishes me how much racism is still happening here in Canada. The general perception of Canada throughout the world, at least after the 2nd world war is that Canada is a shining beacon of what a country should be. Canada has these dark chapters in its past that no one talks about because its shamefull. I am glad we are beginning the widespread dialogue on this matter.